Cedar Hill Cemetery



Cedar Hill Cemetery

Edgar Springs, Phelps Co. Missouri

A Free Genealogy Database For Phelps Co. Missouri Cemeteries


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A beautiful little cemetery, pretty well kept. Cedar Hill cemetery is located on Highway H in Phelps County just South of Edgar Springs approx. 1 1/2 miles from Edgar Springs. It is on the left hand side of the road and kind of hard to see. The sign is there but you must be looking. Inside the fenced in graveyard is a beautiful old Log Cabin - the sign above the log cabin door says Cedar Hill Baptist Church. In this Cemetery the graves are not in straight lines like most but just kind of placed together in family sections.

Location of Cedar Hill Cemetery

Blackwell, Derick - b. 19__ - d. 1981 FHM

Blackwell Derick Ray - b.d. Aug. 9, 1980

Brookshire, Alvin N. - b. May 25, 1895 - d. July __, 1985, s/w

Brookshire, Charlie - d. Oct. 2, 1908

Brookshire, Rev. Coy - b. Feb. 25, 1904 - d. Aug. 20, 1984, s/w Joan Brookshire

Brookshire, Joan - b. Feb. 27, 1913 - d. Oct. 11, 1997, s/w Rev. Coy Brookshire

Brookshire, Martha L. - b. 1869 - d. 1943, Mother, s/w Robert L. Brookshire

Brookshire, Mildred G. - b. May 18, 1902 - d. May 5, 1974, s/w Alvin N. Brookshire

Brookshire, Robert L. - b. 1866 - d. 1947, Father, s/w Martha L. Brookshire

Ellis, Tristan J. - b. 2003 - d. 2003 FHM

Ferrell, Charles F. - b. Feb. 7, 1925 - d. May 9, 1995

Fore, Catherine - b. mar. 25, 1916 - d. July 16, 1916

Fore, Chris - b. Jun. 30, 1867 - d. Jul. 9, 1905

Fore Laban - b. Mar. 22, 1904 - d. Nov. 16, 1907

Fore Labon - b.& d. July 22, 19__, s/w Lula Fore children of D.F.W.M. Fore & Mary Fore

Fore, Lula - b. & d. May 29, 1915, s/w Labon Fore, children of C.F.W.M. Fore & Mary Fore

Fore, Mary - b. 1933 - d. Oct. 17, ____

Fore, William, b. (unreadable) d. March 1, 1917

Hammers, Polly A. Harris, May 7, 1964 - d. Jul. 11. 1986, s/w Roy Eugene Hammers

Hammers, Roy Eugene - b. June 8 1954 - d. (no death date), s/w Polly a. Harris Hammers

Harris, Darlene - b. 1941 - d. (no death date), s/w Irvin Cotton Harris

Harris, Delbert W. - b. Mar. 30, 1935 - d. Aug. 24, 2001, s/w Ruth a. Harris

Harris, Elba Ann - b. Nov. 19, 1913 - d. Sep. 1, 1991

Harris, Elvis W. - b. May 27, 1937 - d. May 27, 1937

Harris, Frances Ruth - b. d. July 27, 1960, Inf. Of Delbert & Ruth Harris

Harris, Frankie R. - b. 19__ - d. unreadable I belive 1960 it is a funeral home marker only

Harris, Irvin Cotton - b. 1938 - d. 1985, s/w Darlene Harris, Married Jul. 8, 1956

Harris, Lizzie K. - b. Oct. 13, 1895 - d. Jan. 12, 1989, s/w Robert W. Harris

Harris, Mary D. - b. 1890 - d. 1918, Mother - Resting in Peace

Harris, Mervin F. - b. Dec. 12, 1914 - d. Dec. 12, 1914

Harris, Melvin Lee - b. Mar. 30, 1911 - d. Oct. 23, 1973, s/w Viola Harris

Harris, Robert W. - b. Jan. 3, 1888, D. Dec. 30, 1973, s/w Lizzie K. Harris

Harris, Ruth A. - b. Nov. 29, 1939, (no death date), s/w Delbert W. Harris

Harris, Viola - b. Feb. 12, 1909 - d. Dec. 30, 1994, s/w Melvin Lee Harris

Mathis, Rossilyn Nasya-Lawren - b. Oct. 20, 2003 - d. Oct. 21, 2003

Rector, Edna - handmade stone with name only next to this stone is a small stone with a carved baby on it.

Rector, Bertha - b. handmade stone with name only and in line with Edna Rector and baby stone

Santas, Rylee M. E. - b. May 13, 1999 - d. Oct. 5, 1999

Taylor, Omega G. - b. Mar. 21, 1907 - d. (no death date), s/w Richarl L. Taylor

Taylor, Richard L. - b. Nov. 4, 1883 - d. Jun 3, 1968, s/w Omega G. Taylor

Wood, Agnes M. - b. Mar. 4, 1919 - d. 1920

Wood, James D. - b. Sep. 20 - d. Feb. 27, 1935

Wood, Walter N. - b. May 7, 1910 - d. Apr. 29, 1926


Misc. stones

Sarah J. (no last name) b. Oct. 29, 1874 - d. Jun. 18, 1915, s/w Christopher (no last name) I believe the name was on the top of this stone but was unreadable

Christopher (no last name) - b. Jun. 30, 1867 - d. Jul. 9, 1905, s/w Sarah (no last name)

An unreadable funeral home marker - could only make out b. 1913 - d. 1991 last name seems to start with an Har could be Harris it is next to a large group of Harris stones