Dunaway Family Cemetery



Dunaway Family Graveyard

Rainbow City, Etowah Co. Alabama

A Free Genealogy Database For Etowah Co. Alabama Cemeteries


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Dunaway Family Graveyard Records submitted by

Dunaway Family Graveyard
Rainbow City, Alabama 35906

Transcribed by: James J. Mack (Mickey)
on March 15, 2002
Family Cemetery History, written by: Doyal Hill
Submitted by Shannon Hamby Crabtree, at the request of James J. Mack
(Mickey), and Doyal Hill.

Dunaway Family Cemetery is located on the Coosa River Side
of Dunaway Mountain, on Lister Ferry Road.

From the intersection of Alabama Hwy. 77 and U S 411, go
West past the Rainbow City Hall, and take the first left on
to Lister Ferry Road, go 3.4 miles, and the Cemetery is on
the right side of the road, facing the Coosa River.


Dunaway Family Cemetery History.
The Dunaway family came into this area by 1832.
One of the ladies was a charter member of Old Harmony
Baptist Church.
The Dunaway family owned a large farm on Coosa River,
consisting of several hundred acres of land. The farm laid
just west of the Lister Ferry.
The mountain that runs parallel to Rainbow Drive is named
for the Dunaway family.
Several years ago I (Doyal Hill), owned a lot on the river
that was the former site of the old Dunaway home. I bought
the lot from one of my cousins, that owned the farm before
the water had covered the bottom land. He could barely
remember the old house. He said that he though the house was
torn down about 1903 or 1904.
Several members of the family are buried in Old Harmony
Dunaway Family Cemetery History written by Doyal Hill

Cemetery List


Mary E. Asley - b. May 5, 1908 - d. Jan. 27, 1985


Arthur Crider - b. Mar. 29, 1906 - d. Nov. 5, 1987
Hazel Ashley Crider - b. Aug. 15, 1905 - d. Jul. 11, 2001


Sanford Dunaway - b. Mar. 22, 1823 - d. Mar. 13, 1909
Nancy Dunaway - b. Sep. 18, 1826 - d. Jun. 12, 1877

Lettie Dunaway - b. Feb. 11, 1852 - d. Jan. 31, 1897 - Wife of John Cunningham


Louie Wesley Knight - born and died Feb. 22, 1933 - Infant Son
of Mr. and Mrs. P.J. Knight


Violet Crider Tumlin - b. Oct. 14, 1928 - d. Apr. 25, 1998

*Note* Very few people know of this Cemetery.
Some of the Dunaway Family are also buried in Old Harmony
Cemetery, in Rainbow City, Alabama.