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Lincoln Heights Jail Census

Los Angeles, California


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Lincoln Heights Jail, North Ave. 19

Census of Prisoners taken 04 January 1920

ALISAS, Victor, 22, Male, White, Single, born in California, Parents born in Mexico

ALLISON, Lawrence, 31, Male, Black, Married, born in North Carolina, Parents born in North Carolina

ALOREZ, Robert, 21, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1916, Alien Status, born in Mexico, Parents born in Mexico

ANDERSON, Edward, 20, Male, White, Single, born in Alaska, Parents born in Pennsylvania

BAER, Sanger, 30, Male, White, Single, born in California, Parents born in California

BAKER, Edward, 25, Male, White, Single, born in Ohio, Parents born in Ohio

BANDELSO, Hertisey, 22, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1915, Alien Status, born in Mexico, Parents born in Mexico

BARBER, Edward, 27, Male, White, Married, born in North Dakota, Parents born in Michigan

BILLEGRAN, John, 28, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1901, Naturalized 1908, born in Mexico, Parents born in Mexico

BISSNER, Isaac, 68, Male, White, Single, born in Ohio, Father born in Maryland, Mother born in Virginia

BLACKNEY, Dock, 65, Male, Mulatto, Married, born in North Carolina, Father born in North Carolina, Mother born in South Carolina

BOOTH, James, 27, Male, White, Married, Immigrated 1903, Alien Status, born in Canada, Parents born in Canada

BORBOA, Fernando, 25, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1919, Alien Status, born in Mexico, Parents born in Mexico

BOWERS, Robert, 26, Male, White, Single, born in United States, Parents born in United States

BOWMAN, Jack, 24, Male, White, Single, born in California, Parents born in United States

BROOKS, James, 19, Male, Black, Single, Immigrated 1905, Naturalized 1919, born in Jamaica, Parents born in Jamaica

BURKE, Richard, 18, Male, White, Single, born in Michigan, Parents born in Michigans

CALDWELL, William, 51, Male, White, Single, born in Indiana, Parents born in Indiana

CAMSHICI, Perry, 18, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1919, Alien Status, Born in Mexico, Parents born in Mexico

CAPOS, Lewis, 29, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1905, Status First Papers, born in Greece, Parents born in Greece

CASLER, John, 54, Male, White, Single, born in New York, Parents born in New York

CASTER, Cassion, 30, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1915, Alien Status, born in Mexico, Parents born in Mexico

CASTILLO, Joe, 21, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1919, Alien Status, born in Mexico, Parents born in Mexico

CHAVEZ, Jose, 52, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1910, Alien Status, born in Mexico, Parents born in Mexico

CHIRPPETTE, Frank, 36, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1904, Alien Status, born in Italy, Parents born in Italy

CLARK, George, 36, Male, White, Single, born in Ohio, Parents born in Ohio

CLERCUTT, Alfred, 34, Male, White, Single, born in Kentucky, Parents born in Kentucky

COCKRAN, Jack, 30, Male, White, Single, born in California, Parents born in United States

COFFMAN, Albert, 45, Male, White, Widowed, born in Oklahoma, Parents born in Oklahoma

COLEMAN, George, 23, Male, White, Single, born in New York, Parents born in New York

CRAIG, Joe, 23, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1898, Naturalized 1908, born in Scotland, Parents born in Scotland

CRUZ, Ernesto, 24, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1912, Alien Status, born in Mexico, Parents born in Mexico

DEPRIEST, Lawrence L., 38, Male, White, Widowed, born in England, Parents born in France

DIAZ, Albert, 33, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1916, Alien Status, born in Mexico, Parents born in Mexico

DOMINGUEZ, Ben, 23, Male, White, Single, born in Texas, Parents born in Mexico

DUFFY, James, 53, Male, White, Single, born in California, Father born in Canada, Mother born in Connecticut

ELLIS, George, 32, Male, White, Single, Immigration date unknown, Status unknown, born in Canada, Parents born in Canada

ERNST, Clarence, 44, Male, Black, Married, born in Alabama, Father born in Mississippi, Mother born in Virginia

ESCOBAR, John, 27, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1910, Alien Status, born in Mexico, Parents born in Mexico

ESCOBAR, Manuel, 19, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1917, Alien Status, born in Costa Rica, Parents born in Guatemala

ESCOVEDA, Juan, 24, Male, White, Married, Immigrated 1912, Alien Status, born in Mexico, Parents born in Mexico

FAWCETT, Clyde, 27, Male, White, Single, born in Kentucky, Father born in Kentucky, Mother born in Illinois

FEE, Alexander, 35, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1904, Naturalized 1905, born in Scotland, Parents born in Scotland

FELLOW, Michael, 38, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1906, Status First Papers, born in Ireland, Parents born in Ireland

FERGUS, George, 23, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1917, Status First Papers, born in Sweden, Parents born in Sweden

FERGUSON, Herbert, 18, Male, White, Single, born in Texas, Parents born in Texas

FLANNIGAN, Frank, 27, Male, White, Single, born in Washington, Father born in Ireland, Mother born in Canada

FLORES, Samuel, 20, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1911, Alien Status, born in Mexico, Parents born in Mexico

FRANK, George, 19, Male, White, Single, born in Michigan, Parents born in Berlin, Germany

GABRIELAM, William H., 48, Male, White, Married, born in Wisconsin, Father born in Wisconsin, Mother born in Pennsylvania

GARCIA, Manuel, 27, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1907, Alien Status, born in Mexico, Parents born in Mexico

GARNICOMA, Julio, 26, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1911, Alien Status, born in Mexico, Parents born in Mexico

GIBBS, Louis, 24, Male, White, Single, born in Utah, Parents born in Utah

GLITSOS, George, 30, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1907, Alien Status, born in Greece, Parents born in Greece

GOMEZ, Ralph, 19, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1919, Alien Status, born in Mexico, Parents born in Mexico

GONZALES, Antonio, 18, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1917, Alien Status, born in Mexico, Parents born in Mexico

GONZALES, Joe, 24, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1917, Alien Status, born in Mexico, Parents born in Mexico

GONZALES, Peter, 35, Male, White, Married, Immigrated 1918, Alien Status, born in Mexico, Parents born in Mexico

GREEN, John, 24, Male, White, Single, born in Pennsylvania, Parents born in Pennsylvania

GUERRERO, Francisco, 20, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1909, Alien Status, born in Mexico, Parents born in Mexico

HAGGIE, John P., 66, Male, White, Single, born in Iowa, Father born in United States, Mother born in Germany

HARRISON, William, 43, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1892, Naturalized 1904, born in Ireland, Parents born in England

HART, John, 64, Male, White, Single, born in Missouri, Father born in Kentucky, Mother born in Ohio

HASA, George, 24, Male, White, Single, born in Nevada, Father born in Ohio, Mother born in Illinois

HOES, Harry H., 24, Male, White, Single, born in Iowa, Parents born in Iowa

HOLLAND, Rufin, 22, Male, White, Single, born in Filip Island, U.S., Parents born in United States

HOWARD, Russell, 18, Male, White, Single, born in Illinois, Parents born in Illinois

HUNTER, Earl D., 33, Male, White, Single, born in Pennsylvania, Parents born in Pennsylvania

JACKSON, Roy, 37, Male, White, Married, born in Tennessee, Father born in South Carolina, Mother born in Tennessee

JAMES, Arthur, 22, Male, Black, Single, born in Florida, Parents born in Florida

JEISEG, Kamling, 40, Male, Chinese, Married, born in California, Parents born in China

JENSEN, Milton, 18, Male, White, Single, born in Washington, Father born in Norway, Mother born in Minnesota

JERCIA, Adrian, 29, Male, White, Married, Immigrated 1906, Alien Status, born in Mexico, Parents born in Mexico

JERERO, Raphiel, 23, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1908, Alien Status, born in Mexico, Parents born in Mexico

JOAQUIN, Bascello, 52, Male, White, Married, Immigrated 1911, Alien Status, born in Mexico, Parents born in Mexico

JOHNSON, Edgar, 18, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1909, Alien Status, born in Sweden, Parents born in Sweden

KANNING, Frank, 45, Male, White, Single, born in Indiana, Parents born in Germany

KEMP, Walter, 27, Male, White, Single, born in Illinois, Parents born in Germany

KERSHAW, Stephen S., 23, Male, White, Married, born in Utah, Father born in South Africa, Mother born in England

KHAN, Louie, 59, Male, Chinese, Single, Immigrated 1874, Alien Status, born in China, Parents born in China

KNOX, Harry, 31, Male, White, Single, born in Ohio, Parents born in Ohio

KRADARAL, Peblo, 18, Male, White, Single, born in Texas, Parents born in Texas

LEMKE, Walter, 24, Male, White, Single, born in Wisconsin, Parents born in Germany

LEVINO, Mateo, 18, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1913, Alien Status, born in Mexico, Parents born in Mexico

LEVY, Sam, 37, Male, White, Single, born in Michigan, Parents born in Poland/Russia

LIOL, Manuel, 20, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1919, Alien Status, born in Mexico, Parents born in Mexico

LOCKBING, 32, Male, Chinese, Single, Immigrated 1905, Alien Status, born in China, Father born in California, Mother born in China

LOCKHART, Beatrise, 18, Male, White, Single, born in New York, Parents born in Georgia

LOPEZ, Essex, 18, Male, White, Single, born in Texas, Parents born in Mexico

LOVE, Charles, 24, Male, White, Single, born in Alabama, Father born in Tennessee, Mother born in Texas

LUCERO, Luiz, 34, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1917, Alien Status, born in Mexico, Parents born in Mexico

LUG, Frank, 23, Male, White, Married, born in California, Parents born in California

LUGE, Trico, 28, Male, White, Widowed, Immigrated 1912, Alien Status, born in Mexico, Parents born in Mexico

LUNCARES, Marcus, 60, Male, White, Widowed, Immigrated 1918, Alien Status, born in Mexico, Parents born in Mexico

LUNCARES, Santia, 38, Male, White, Married, Immigrated 1914, Alien Status, born in Mexico, Parents born in Mexico

MACK, Walter, 20, Male, White, Single, born in Pennsylvania, Father born in Pennsylvania, Mother born in Canada

MACMABERA, Martin, 70, Male, White, Single, born in Missouri, Parents born in Ireland

MALEY, Floyd W., 33, Male, White, Single, born in Tennessee, Parents born in Tennessee

MANDINO, Salcido, 29, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1916, Status First Papers, born in Mexico, Parents born in Mexico

MARKE, Theodore, 27, Male, White, Single, born in New York, Father born in Poland, Mother born in Germany

MARTIN, George, 37, Male, White, Single, born in California, Father born in Alsace France, Mother born in France

MARTINEZ, Joe, 21, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1909, Alien Status, born in Mexico, Parents born in Mexico

MARTINEZ, Jose, 22, Male, White, Married, Immigrated 1906, Alien Status, born in Mexico, Parents born in Mexico

MARTINEZ, William, 27, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1913, Alien Status, born in Mexico, Parents born in Mexico

MEDINA, Abe, 60, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1890, Alien Status, born in Mexico, Parents born in Mexico

MENDOZA, Juan, 34, Male, White, Married, Immigrated 1918, Alien Status, born in Mexico, Parents born in Mexico

MESA, Porfirio, 24, Male, White, Married, Immigrated 1907, Alien Status, born in Mexico, Father born in Spain, Mother born in Mexico

MIDDAUGH, Arthur, 38, Male, White, Single, born in Tennessee, Parents born in Tennessee

MOLSTER, Raymond, 20, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1919, Alien Status, born in Mexico, Parents born in Mexico

MONROE, Lou C., 27, Male, White, Single, born in Missouri, Parents born in Illinois

MORCES, Joe, 23, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1907, Alien Status, born in Mexico, Parents born in Mexico

MORENO, Cantoro, 18, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1909, Alien Status, born in Mexico, Parents born in Mexico

MORENO, Charlie, 56, Male, White, Single, born in Montana, Parents born in United States

MORESCO, Louis, 20, Male, White, Single, born in Virginia, Parents born in Mexico

MORITORNO, Losey, 27, Male, White, Married, born in New Mexico, Parents born in New Mexico

MOTTLEY, William, 35, Male, White, Single, born in New York, Parents born in United States

MURRAY, William, 20, Male, White, Single, born in Ohio, Father born in Pennsylvania, Mother born in Ireland

NELSON, Roy M., 18, Male, White, Single, born in Washington, Parents born in Norway

NICOLETTI, Thomas, 18, Male, White, Single, born in California, Father born in Italy, Mother born in California

NOONAN, John, 29, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1910, Naturalized 1918, born in Ireland, Parents born in Ireland

PAREDES, Ricardo, 28, Male, White, Single, born in Arizona, Parents born in California

PERKINS, Arthur, 18, Male, White, Single, born in Alabama, Parents born in Alabama

PIMA, Marrio, 21, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1919, Alien Status, born in Mexico, Parents born in Mexico

PRICE, Jack, 23, Male, White, Single, born in Ohio, Parents born in Ohio

PULVER, Everett, 20, Male, White, Single, born in Oklahoma, Parents born in Texas

RAMOS, Luis, 27, Male, White, Single, born in California, Parents born in Spain

RARICH, Jack, 21, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1906, Alien Status, born in Russia, Parents born in Russia

REYNOLDS, Harvey L., 18, Male, White, Single, born in Kansas, Parents born in Canada

RHODLY, William, 26, Male, White, Single, born in New York, Parents born in New York

RINGAL, Joe, 19, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1907, Alien Status, born in Mexico, Parents born in Mexico

RIVAS, Eduardo, 28, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1915, Alien Status, born in Mexico, Parents born in Mexico

ROBB, Jack, 18, Male, White, Single, born in United States, Parents born in United States

ROBINSON, Mack, 20, Male, White, Single, born in California, Father born in California, Mother born in Tennessee

RODRIGUEZ, Jack, 26, Male, White, Single, born in California, Father born in California, Mother born in Argentina

RODRIGUEZ, Joe, 19, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1914, Alien Status, born in Mexico, Parents born in Mexico

ROGE, James, 27, Male, White, Single, born in New York, Parents born in Italy

RONEZ, Nick, 28, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1918, Alien Status, born in Mexico, Parents born in Mexico

SAVEDA, Mike, 24, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1902, Alien Status, born in Mexico, Parents born in Mexico

SAYS, George, 56, Male, White, Single, born in Indiana, Parents born in Indiana

SCHIEVK, Fred, 30, Male, White, Married, Immigrated 1910, Alien Status, born in Germany, Parents born in Germany

SCHRADER, Lessie, 46, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1883, Status First Papers, born in Germany, Parents born in Germany

SERENO, Antonio, 24, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1916, Alien Status, born in Mexico, Parents born in Mexico

SHARP, Charlie, 21, Male, White, Single, born in Minnesota, Father born in Canada, Mother born in Wisconsin

SHORT, Edward, 59, Male, White, Single, born in Illinois, Parents born in Illinois

SIEGRICH, George, 22, Male, White, Single, born in United States, Parents born in Russia

SILVA, Thomas, 29, Male, White, Married, Immigrated 1912, Alien Status, born in Mexico, Parents born in Mexico

SILVER, George, 23, Male, White, Single, born in Wisconsin, Parents born in Denmark

SMITH, Earl, 19, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1906, Alien Status, born in Canada, Parents born in Canada

SOLOMON, Daniel, 20, Male, White, Single, born in New York, Parents born in Russia

STONE, Sam, 50, Male, White, Single, born in Michigan, Parents born in Scotland

STRAINS, Jack, 22, Male, White, Single, born in Arizona, Parents born in United States

TABORN, George, 27, Male, White, Single, born in Washington, Parents born in West Indies

TORRES, Augustine, 18, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1912, Alien Status, born in Mexico, Parents born in Mexico

TOWNSEND, Charles, 39, Male, White, Single, born in Kansas, Father born in New York, Mother born in Kansas

TRULL, William, 39, Male, White, Single, born in New York, Father born in New York, Mother born in Ireland

VRENSS, Bert, 30, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1903, Alien Status, born in Croatia, Father born in Hungary, Mother born in Croatia

WEIDMAN, Dave, 32, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1916, Alien Status, born in Russia, Parents born in Russia

WELLMAN, Ray, 20, Male, White, Single, born in Texas, Parents born in Michigan

WILLIAMS, Thomas, 44, Male, White, Single, born in South Carolina, Parents born in Florida

WILSON, George, 50, Male, White, Widowed, born in United States, Parents born in United States

WOODRUFF, Howard, 35, Male, White, Single, born in Wisconsin, Father born in South Carolina, Mother born in New York

YACKOVICH, Mike, 40, Male, White, Single, Immigration Information Unknown, born in Poland/Russia, Parents born in Poland/Russia

YARO, Tiburio, 24, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1918, Alien Status, born in Mexico, Parents born in Mexico

YIU, Hong, 77, Male, Chinese, Single, Immigrated 1863, Alien Status, born in China, Parents born in China

YOSSENBERG, Gerrard, 29, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1904, Naturalized 1909, born in Holland, Parents born in Holland

ZALVAZA, George, 26, Male, White, Single, Immigrated 1908, Alien Status, born in Mexico, Parents born in Mexico