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Kittitas County Washington Obituaries


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Obituary submitted by Shelli Steedman


VALLEY PIONEER, TOM MONTGOMERY, SUCCUMBS TODAY. DEATH FOLLOWS A THREE MONTHS’ ILLNESS; FUNERAL TO BE HELD HERE ON THURSDAY. W. T. Montgomery, 74, Kittitas Valley pioneer, passed away at the home of his daughter Mrs. Leta Bates, 200 N. Sprague Street early this afternoon [December 22, 1931].

Mr. Montgomery’s death followed an ailment of three months’ duration which confined him to bed. His passing marks the end of another pioneer life vividly reminiscent of long treks over the plains in covered wagons. His entry to the Kittitas Valley was from California in 1861 when he made the trip in a covered wagon with his parents.

His first venture was to settle in a homestead on the Edgemont District six miles southeast of Ellensburg which is still being maintained by members of the family.

Mr. Montgomery was born in Scio, Linn County, Oregon in 1858 and in 1861 moved to Napa, California with his parents, coming to the Kittitas Valley at the age of 21 in 1880. He was married to Margaret Olive Ferguson, December 12, 1886 in Ellensburg. She passed away June 30, 1930.

Relatives surviving include: five daughters, Mrs. Geo. Hayes, who is living on the old home place, Mrs. J. A. Harmon, Mrs. Orville Springsteen, Mrs. Daniel Bates, Mrs. Urban Uebelacker, all of Ellensburg; grandchildren: Thomas Shipman, Hilda Hayes, Mrs. Raymond Rambough, Wapato [others listed but illegible]; brothers, James and George Montgomery of Ellensburg and Ralph Montgomery of McDermott, Nevada; sister, Mrs. Anne Wheeler, Ellensburg.

Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock in the Honeycutt Chapel with the Rev. Olin Graham officiating. Burial will be at the Odd Fellows’ Cemetery.

Once leaving his farm home, Mr. Montgomery has made his home with his daughters in Ellensburg, Mrs. Uebelacker and Mrs. Bates.