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Kittitas County Washington Obituaries


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Obituary submitted by Shelli Steedman


The body of Mrs. E. J. McEwen who died in Seattle on Monday [May 23, 1916] after a long illness with pulmonary tuberculosis, arrived in Ellensburg last night and was taken to the parlor of M. L. Bridgham where it will lie until funeral arrangements can be made. Mr. McEwen is in Montreal, and will not be able to get here until Sunday or Monday.

Mrs. McEwen, formerly Miss Mary Grunden, was born in Ellensburg and had lived here nearly all of her life, having attended the public schools here. She was 20 years of age, and was married in 1912 to E. J. [Edward Jesse] McEwen, who survives her.

Besides her husband, she leaves her mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. [Elof Arnson] Grunden of Ellensburg, three sisters, Anna and Nellie of Ellensburg, and Mrs. Don Dale of Klamath Falls, Ore., and three brothers, John Grunden of Sultan and Alfred and Glenn, both of Ellensburg. John Grunden arrived here this morning and Mrs. Dale is expected here tonight.