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Kittitas County Washington Obituaries


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Obituary submitted by Shelli Steedman


Funeral services for Mrs. Estelle Elizabeth (Betty) Indermuhle, 77, of 700 S. Chestnut St., will be held in the Evenson Chapel at 2 p.m. Monday with the Rev. Silas Erickson officiating. Mrs. Indermuhle died Wednesday night [April 14, 1965] at the Community Hospital. Burial will be in the IOOF Cemetery.

Betty Montgomery was born May 18, 1887 in Centralia and was married to Sam Indermuhle in 1936 in Ritzville. They farmed in the Badger Pocket District until moving to town last year.

Survivors include her husband at the family home, three sons, Perry Thompson, Portland, Boyce Thompson, Castle Rock, and Jay Thompson of Longview and two daughters, Mrs. Leola Fisher of Portland and Mrs. Florence Richards, Castle Rock.