Elk Prairie Church Cemetery



Elk Prairie Church Cemetery

Rolla, Phelps Co. Missouri

A Free Genealogy Database For Phelps Co. Missouri Cemeteries


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East Cold Springs Township, Section 7, T36N, R7W, Co. Rd. 5280

Denise Seevers and I walked this cemetery on Nov. 6, 2004. This cemetery is located from Rolla, Phelps County, Missouri take Highway O South 5 miles, to County Road 5280 - 1 mile. The cemetery is next to the Elk Prairie Presbyterian Church that may still in be use. This Cemetery was established in 1870 and is still receiving burials.

Location of Elk Prairie Church Cemetery

Adams, Elizabeth Ann - b. d. 25 Nov 1926

Ayers, Louise D. - b. 1869 - d. 1962, w/o Walter C. Ayers

Ayers, Robert Lewis - b. 9 Sep 1909 - d. 23 Apr 1993

Ayers, Walter C. - b. 12 Oct 1866 - d. 25 May 1924, h/o Louisa D Ayers, s/o Jacob Ayers

Baldwin, Dan - (no other info on stone)

Baldwin, Mary Livingston - (no other info on stone)

Barnes, Elizabeth - b. 26 Sep 1819 - d. 8 May 1904, age 84 yrs. 5 Mo. 11 Ds.

Barnes, James - d. 18 Nov 1895, Co. B., 11th Wis. Vols.

Beckwith, Alda - b. 1867 - d. 1994, s/w Henry Beckwith

Beckwith, Henry - b. 1864 - d. 1931, s/w Aida Beckwith

Beckwith, H. T. - d. 30 Apr 1938, aged 66 y 10 m 26 ds.

Burton, James S. - b. 15 Dec 1903 - d. 15 Jan 1969, s/w Minnie M. Burton

Burton, Minnie M. - b. 23 Aug 1902 - d. 23 Feb 1988, nee Williams, s/w James S. Burton

Campbell, Daisy - d. 25 Mar 1912, age 3 NSP*

Collier, Thelma Richard - b. 1952 - d. 1953

Coon, John Burrfellows - b. 25 Dec 1848 - d. 16 Dec 1905, s/w Josephine Hooker Coon

Coon, Josephine Hooker - b. 10 Mar 1854 - d. 28 Feb 1933, s/w John Burrfellows Coon

Davenport, William - d. 12 Jan 1875, Aged 59 y 4 m 10 da.

Dow, Mamie - b. 6 Sep 1867 - d. 14 Oct 1899, nee Livingston, Beloved d/o John & Margaret Isabella Livingston, w/o Robert Dow, Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God

Dwinell, Levi - d.22 Feb 1872

Elliott, Mary E. - b. 27 Feb 1893 - d. 29 Jul 1893, d/o H.L. & M.L. Elliott

Fink, Anna O. - b. 8 Oct 1859 - d. 29 Jun 1921, s/w Philip M. Fink

Fink, Carl P. - b. 3 Feb 1894 - d. 12 Jul 1984, s/w Irene E. Fink

Fink, Carl Philip - b. 16 Jan 1924 - d. 21 Jan 1924, s/o C.P. & I.E. Fink

Fink, Cletus C. - b. 14 Oct 1925, (no death date), s/w Merle W. Fink

Fink, Eva Elizabeth - b. 18 Aug 1837 - d. 21 Dec 1927, aged 90 y 1 m 3 ds., nee Schaefer, w/o George Fink

Fink, George Edward - b. 26 Jul 1888 - d. 12 Apr 1910, s/o P.M. & A.O. Fink

Fink, G. H. - b. 9 Apr 1826 - d. 1 Nov 1879, Co. A. 2nd U.S. Inf. Mexican War

Fink, Irene E. - b. 18 Apr 1896 - d. 22 Sep 1953, s/w Carl P. Fink

Fink, Merle W. - b. 17 Oct 1937, (no death date), s/w Cletus C. Fink

Fink, Mike R. - b. 5 Jan 1892 - d. 15 Jul 1987, s/w Sally A. Fink

Fink, Philip M. - b. 6 May 1855 - d. 19 Apr 1928, s/w Anna O. Fink

Fink, Sally A. - b. 26 Oct 1896 - d. 21 Feb 1979, s/w Mike R. Fink

Fink, Warren E. - b. 8 Apr 1927 - d. 22 Dec 1983

Freeman, Inf. son - (no dates) s/o T. & J. Freeman

Freshour, Elizabeth Jane - b. 22 Jun 1878 - d. 19 Mar 1917, w/o John Freshour

Freshour, Everett S. - b. 6 Aug 1888 - d. 19 Nov 1937

Freshour, Gary Edwin - b. d. 4 Jun 1936

Freshour, John E. Jr. - b.23 Jul 1910 - d. 1 Jul 1935

Freshour, John - b. 27 Aug 1957 - d. 30 Apr 1942, h/o Elizabeth Freshour

Freshour, Mamie L. - b. 31 Jan 1890 - d. 19 Jun 1960

Freshour, Opal - b. 1902 - d. 1943, s/w Roy Freshour

Freshour, Roy - b. 1895 - d. (no death date), s/w Opal Freshour

Furray, Elizabeth - b. Jun. 15, 1830 - d. Mar. 10, 1914, w/o M. Furray

Furray, H. B. - b. Apr. 25, 1969 - d. Nov. 23, 1903

Furray, Isaac - b. Nov. 28, 1848 - d. Jun. 27, 1909, Aged 60 yrs. 6 mo. 29 ds., Father

Furray, John W. - d. Sep. 21, 1876, aged 20 yrs. 7 mo. 21 ds., s/o M.L. & E. Furray

Furray, Lucretia - b. Jan. 2, 1828 - d. Mar. 6, 1907, age 79 yrs. 2 mo. 10 day, w/o S. Furray

Furray, Mounce - b. 1821 - d. 1890

Furray, Ruth - b. Mar. 30, 1867 - d. Apr. 13, 1910, age 43 yrs. 13 ds, w/o Sam Furray

Furray, Samuel J. - b. 1889 - d. Mar. 15, 1898, aged 8 yr. 11 mo. 3 ds, s/o Sarah Jane & Isaac Furray

Furray, Samuel - b. Jun. 30, 1828 - d. Oct. 9, 1894, age 67 yr. 4 mo. 9 da., h/o Lucretia Furray

Furray, Sarah Jane - b. Aug. 23, 1858 - d. Feb. 20, 1913, Mother, Born in Pittsburg, Penn, Died in her home in Rolla, w/o Isaac Furray

Gahr, Mary Catherine - b. Jun. 10, 1915, (no death date), s/w Melvin M. Gahr

Gahr, Melvin M. - b. Dec. 10, 1906 - d. Oct. 10, 1993, s/w Mary Catherine Gahr

Gift, Arthur C. - b. Aug. 20, 1882 - d. Feb. 1, 1883, s/o W.R. & C.A. Gift

Gift, Harriet M. - b. May 14, 1872 - d. Mar. 6, 1900, d/o W.R. & C.A. Gift

Gift, Martin L. - b. Aug. 20m 1882 - d. May 22, 1883, s/o W.R. & C.A. Gift

Gift, Naoma - b. Jun. 11, 1877 - d. Aug. 20, 1877, d/o W.R. & C.A. Gift

Gilmore, William - b. 1873 - d. 1874, age 1 yr. 7 mo. 3 ds., s/o J. & E. Gilmore

Glanz, Edward C. - b. Aug. 30, 1854 - d. Apr. 25, 1943, h/o Ida Glanz

Glanz, Ida - b. Apr. 12, 1860 - d. Apr. 24, 1926, nee Gothe (note: this is spelling on stone)

Glanz - Infant - b. Jun. 26, 1901 - d. Jul. 1, 1901, s/o E.C. & Ida Glanz

Glanz, Robert E. - b. Aug. 10, 1894 - d. Aug. 28, 1926

Glanz, William - b. May 10, 1891 - d. Oct. 6, 1966

Goethe, A. Rudolph - b. Aug. 27, 1827 - d. Dec. 23, 1903, h/o Fridericka Goethe

Goethe, Fridericka - b. Apr. 15, 1830 - d. May 30, 1909, nee Smithky, w/o A.R. Goethe

Graham, Allie M. - b. Oct. 27, 1859 - d. Sep. 19, 1907, w/o T.J. Graham

Hale, Elizabeth - b. 1850 - d. 1875, d/o M.C. & S.J. Hale

Happel, Dorothy M. - b. Feb. 13, 1945, (no death date), s/w Ervin F. Happel Jr., m. Mar. 2, 1962

Happel, Ervin F. Jr. - b. Apr. 30, 1944 - d. Mar. 19, 2000, s/w Dorothy Happel, m. Mar. 2, 1962

Haskell, Frank C. - b. Sep. 22, 1857, Aged 16 yrs. 3 mo. 20 da. (No death date given)

Huffman, Alfred - b. May 8, 1798 - d. May 12, 1869, s/w Sarah Jane Huffman, Hugh Lawson Jones

Huffman, Charlotte M. - b. 1847 - d. 1921

Huffman, Felix A. - b. Mar. 9, 1844 - d. Jan. 5, 1901, Sgt. Co. A, 12th MO Cav.

Huffman, Maud - b. Feb. 12, 1881 - d. Oct. 14, 1881

Huffman, May - b. Jun. 27, 1878 - d. Apr. 20, 1898, w/o P. McDermott

Huffman, Sarah Jane - b. Jun. 10, 1810 - d. Jan. 26, 1869, nee Jones, s/w Alfred Huffman, Hugh Lawson Jones s/o Mrs. Alf. Huffman

Hust, Mabel - b. Apr. 15, 1898 - d. Mar. 23, 1910

Jacobs, Dolly G. - b. Jan. 21, 1920 - d. Nov. 9, 2002, nee Brown, s/w Lee A. Jacobs

Jacobs, Donald Rex - b. Apr. 8, 1915 - d. Aug. 12, 1963

Jacobs Earl R. - b. Aug. 21, 1921 - d. Jan. 14, 1997, PFC US Army, WWII, h/o Maxine Jacobs

Jacobs, James E. - b. May 22, 1944 - d. Aug. 15, 1944, FHM

Jacobs, Lamoin N. - b. 1886 - d. 1946, s/w Pearl L Jacobs

Jacobs, Lee Albert - b. Mar. 28, 1920 - d. Aug. 22, 1983, Pvt. US Marine Corps, WWII, s/w Dolly G. Jacobs nee Brown

Jacobs, Pearl L. - b. 1894 - d. 1977, s/w Lamoin N. Jacobs

Jones, Hugh Lawson - b. Jun. 11, 1830 - d. Sep. 2, 1860, s/o Mrs. Alf. Huffman, s/w Sarah Jane Huffman, Alfred Huffman

Kilgore, David - b. 1807, d Jun. 5, 1885, h/o Mary Jane Kilgore

Kilgore, Mary F. - b. Feb. 28, 1885 - d. Apr. 28, 1885, d/o Wm. J. & Mary A. (Starks) Kilgore

Kilgore, Mary Jane - b. 1828 - d.Mar. 3, 1911, Aged 82 yr. 4 mo. 6 ds., w/o David Kilgore

Livingston, Adam J. - (no other info on stone)

Livingston, Alfred William - b. Jul. 28, 1875 - d. Feb. 13, 1946, s/w Ida Catherine Livingston

Livingston, Ashley Eilyeen - (no other info on stone)

Livingston - Dau. Of; Anderson H. & Mattie Allen Broyles, s/w Son of Alfred W. & Ida Fink, (no names given for children)

Livingston, David James - b. Jul. 9, 1908 - d. Jul. 30, 1908, s/o Dr. A.A.L. & C.E.G. Livingston

Livingston, Eilyeen - b. Jul. 5, 1918 - d. Apr. 30, 1998, s/w John Hall Livingston, m. Apr. 3, 1943

Livingston, Eldon Kenneth - b. Dec. 31, 1915 - d. Sep. 1, 2000, s/w Kermit F. Livingston

Livingston, Herbert S. - b. Jul. 2, 1911 - d. Nov. 14, 1926, s/o A.W. & Ida C. Livingston

Livingston, Ida Catherine - b. Sep. 3, 1889 - d. Jul. 18, 1895, s/w Alfred William Livingston

Livingston, John Hall - b. Sep. 8, 1912, (no death date), s/w Eilyeen Livingston, M. Apr. 3, 1943

Livingston, John, Sr. - b. May 8, 1813 - d. Jun. 29, 1886, s/w Margaret Hall Livingston, John and Margaret Born in Northern Ireland

Livingston, John H., Jr. - b. May 8, 1873 - d. Jun. 23, 1886, aged 13 yr. 1 mo. 21 ds.

Livingston, John Hall, Jr.; (no other info on stone)

Livington, John, Jr. - b. Ju. 20, 1839 - d. Aug. 1, 1902 - John was Ruling Elder 32 yrs., Civil War 13 Major Battles, 8th Pa. Vol. Inf. Reg., 12th US Inf. Reg., John & Margaret born in Northern Ireland, s/w Margaret Isabella Livingston nee Armstrong

Livingston, Joseph H. - b. 1865 - d. 1946, h/o Josephine Bell Livingston

Livingston, Josephine Bell - b. Apr. 10, 1884 - d. Mar. 17, 1907, w/o Joseph H. Livingston

Livingston, Kermit Fink - b. May 9, 1914 - d. Aug. 24, 2000, s/w Eldon Kenneth Livingston

Livingston, Liz; (no other info on stone)

Livingston, Margaret Hall - b. Jan. 4, 1810 - d. Apr. 14, 1891, s/w John Livingston, Sr., John & Margaret born in Northern Ireland

Livingston, Margaret Isabella - b. Feb. 25, 1839 - d. Feb. 24, 1921, nee Armstrong, s/w John R. Livingston, Jr.

Livingston, Marguerite; Feb. 17, 1906 Our Baby (next to Josephine Bell Livingston)

Madden, Milford Doland - b. 1927 - d. Jul. 26, 1981, Pvt. US Army, WWII

Madden, Lorraine E. - b. 1924 - d. 1986

McDermott, May Huffman - b. Jun. 27, 1873 - d. Apr. 20, 1898, Nichols, Laura L. - b. Jan. 25, 1884 - d. Apr. 26, 1967

Nichols, Laura - b. Jan. 25, 1884 - d. Apr. 26, 1967

Nix, Benjamin F. - b. Jun. 28, 1882 - d. Aug. 20, 1899, s/w Joseph H. Nix

Nix, Jacob - b. Apr. 6, 1840 - d. Jan. 31, 1915, Co. L, 1st Ind. Cav., h/o Martha Trine Nix., m. Dec. 29, 1864

Nix, Joseph H. - b. Jul. 28, 1869 - d. Aug. 21, 1915, s/w Benjamin F. Nix

Nix, Martha E. - b. Apr. 8, 1844 - d. Mar. 24, 1924, nee

Trine, w/o Jacob Nix, m. Dec. 29, 1864

O'Haver, Rosie V. - b. Nov. 15, 1878 - d. Jun. 12, 1880, d/o J.A. & S.R. O'Haver

Pritchet, Robert - b. Jan. 22, 1909 - d. Aug. 25, 1909, s/o M. & K. Pritchet

Schulze, Caroline - b. 1823 - d. 1915, s/w Lorenz Schulze

Schulze, Infant son, b. d. Sep. 6, 1899, s/o G.F. & Anna Schulze

Schulze, Lorenz - b. 1822 - d. 1907, s/w Caroline Schulze

Schurr, Anna C. - b. Jan. 31, 1825 - d. Apr. 6, 1896, w/o J.P. Schurr

Schwartz, Gertrude - b. Apr. 11, 1847 - d. Dec. 16, 1928, s/w John Schwartz

Schwartz, John - b. Apr. 20, 1830 - d. Jul. 24, 1922, s/w Gertrude Schwartz

Scott, Robert - b. 1849 - d. Apr. 10, 1879, aged 30 yr. 2 mo. 12 ds

Shelton, Ina N. - b. Jun. 11, 1904 - d. Oct. 10, 1984, s/w Ruble Shelton

Shelton, Effie L. - b. May 12, 1882 - d. Jan. 12, 1912, w/o John N. Shelton

Shelton, Elbert - b. Mar. 17, 1853 - d. May 2, 1920, s/w Lucretia Jane Shelton

Shelton, Ina N. - b. Jun. 11, 1904 - d. Jun. 11, 1984, w/o Ruble Shelton, m. Apr. 19, 1922

Shelton, Lucretia Jane - b. Aug. 3, 1860 - d. Oct. 19, 1917, s/w Elbert Shelton, d/o Wm. & Rachel Sands

Shelton, Mell V. - b. Dec. 25, 1880 - d. Feb. 20, 1920, nee Holt, w/o LeRoy Shelton

Shelton, Ruble - b. Dec. 28, 1901 - d. Aug. 2, 1973, Missouri PFC US Army WW1, s/w Ina N. Shelton

Smith, Alfred - b. Jan. 31, 1846 - d. Oct. 3, 1926, h/o Mary Jane Smith

Smith, Eliza - d. Jan. 2, 1930, age 77 yrs.

Smith, John - b. Dec. 26, 1809 - d. Oct. 10, 1881, h/o Melvina Smith

Smith, Mary Jane - b. May 26, 1847 - d. Dec. 24, 1925, w/o Alfred Smith

Smith, Melvina - b. July 14, 1825 - d. Mar. 14, 1904, w/o John Smith

Stone - Infant - b.d. Apr. 15, 1906, s/o William Stone

Tate, Isabella Margaret - b. 1841 - d. Feb. 29, 1916, nee Armstrong, d/o Archibald Armstrong of Ireland

Tate, James - b. May 8, 1829 - d. Aug. 20, 1904, Born near Belfast Ireland, aged 75 yrs. 3 mo. 12 Da.

Tate, Joseph H. - d. Mar. 23, 1940, aged 81 yr. 26 ds.

Tate, Sarah Margaret - b. Jul. 4, 1869, Nov. 3, 1924, w/o J.H. Tate, d/o John Livingston

Taylor, Edith - d. Mar. 26, 1893, aged 1 mo. 24 ds., twin, d/o E.L. & Genie Taylor

Taylor, Ethel - d. Feb. 7, 1889, aged 2 yr. 8 mo. 16 ds., d/o E.L. & Genie Taylor

Taylor, Olive - d. Mar. 18, 1893, aged 24 ds., twin, d/o E.L. & Genie Taylor

Turner, Lizzie - b. Jan. 21, 1867 - d. Mar. 9. 1904, w/o L.C. Turner

Willis, Mary Lizzie - b. Sep. 13, 1884 - d. Dec. 31, 1970, nee Shelton, w/o Thos. J. Willis, Sr., In Loving Memory of our Darling Mother

Willis, Thomas Earl - b. Dec. 24, 1932 - d. Dec. 30, 1932

Willis, Thos. J., Jr. - b. Dec. 10, 1909 - d. Mar. 30, 1937

Willis, Wm. Louis - b. Nov. 25, 1912 - d. Oct. 6, 1924, s/o Thomas J. Willis, Sr.

Wilson, Mary M. - b. Dec. 2, 1861 - d. Feb. 24, 1883, w/o J.H. Wilson, & D/o G.H. & C.E. Fink

Woolsey, Ira E. - b. May 13, 1902 - d. May 25, 1903, s/o Charles & T.E. Woolsey

Woolsey, Mary Martha - b. May 13, 1902 - d. May 25, 1903, s/o Charles & T.E. Woolsey

Worstel, Bessie - b. Jun. 28, 1895 - d. Feb. 16, 1975

Worstell, Charles W. - b. Feb. 10, 1898 - d. Dec. 3, 1967, Our Dad

Zimmerman, Albert E. - b. Jan. 12, 1893 - d. Jul. 27, 1916, s/o Margaret Furray Zimmerman

Zimmerman, Margaret - b. Jan. 30, 1857 - d. Oct. 20, 1918, nee Furray, s/w Ped Zimmerman

Zimmerman, Ped - b. Sep. 10, 1855 - d. Jan. 15, 1933, s/w Margaret Zimmerman