Plainview Baptist Church Cemetery



Plainview Baptist Church Cemetery

Rainsville, Dekalb Co., Alabama

A Free Genealogy Database For Dekalb Co. Alabama Cemeteries


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Plainview Baptist Church Cemetery Records submitted by

Plainview Baptist Cemetery, Rainsville, Dekalb, Alabama
Surveyed: 5 Jul 1965 under direction of Ralph H. and Louise Allred of Gadsden, Alabama
Location: 2 miles E. of Rainsville on Hwy 35

s/s = Same Stone
w/o = wife of
h/o = husband of
d/o = daughter of
s/o = son of

Cemetery List


Gary E. Caldwell - June 18, 1955 (Only Date)


Howard Glen Dupree - Nov 13, 1947 - July 9, 1963


Macon Hoyton Garrett - Dec 3, 1902 - Feb 17, 1955 - son of T. Riley Garrett & Parley McCurdy Garrett - s/s = Dovie Garret
Dovie Garrett - Dec 28, -- -- s/s = Macon Garret


James Randal Gilbreath - June 7, 1961 - June 12, 1961


W. O. Rucks Jr. - March 19, 1912 - d. no date - s/s Eva Marie Rucks
Eva Marie Carlyle Rucks - Apr 9, 1907 - May 19, 1957 - daughter of Joseph J. Carlyle & Josie Adams Carlyle s/s W. O. Rucks Jr.


John H. Wisner - Jan 1, 1878 - Sept 11, 1965 - s/s Mary A. Wisner
Mary A. Wisner - Oct 24, 1874 - Jan 28, 1957 - s/s John H. Wisner

J. Andrew Wisner 1901-1949 - s/s Maggie I. Wisner
Maggie I. Wisner 1904-1996 - s/s J. Andrew Wisner