Manning Cemetery



Manning Cemetery

Autauga Co., Alabama

A Free Genealogy Database For Autauga Co. Alabama Cemeteries


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Manning Cemetery
Directions; 31 north in Autauga co, take left onto Cty rd 59, follow dirt road, will pass Manning Cemetery #1 on left, continue on dirt road, will run into Manning Rd, continue until you see a mailbox with the address 386, there is a dirt road on the left, turn here into a field, cemetery on left off the road surrounded by a rusted fence.
Surveyed June 2003 by Angela Garner Golden and Tanner Golden


Susan Marie Frederick - Aug 20, 1951 – Feb 26, 1971 - “With Christ in Heaven”


Albert Manning - 1939 – 1951

Ammerier B. Manning - Sept 27, 1810 – June 26, 1895
Elizabeth Scott Manning - Dec 11, 1833 – Jan 29, 1904 - wife of A.B. Manning - Our Dear Mother - Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God - Matt 5:8

B.F. Manning

Cooper Manning - March 3, 1896 – Jan 2, 1931 - US ARMY World War I

G.W. Manning - June 16, 1864 – Jan 18, 1936 - “The Lord Gave and the Taketh Blessed the Name of the Lord”
Mary Ann Manning - Oct 9, 1857 – Dec 31, 1922 - wife of G.W. Manning - “Her work finished” “Gone but not forgotten”
Ransom B. Manning - July 14, 1889 – May 4, 1911 - son of G.W. and Mary A. Manning

James Thomas Manning - 1915 – March 26, 1920 - son of J.W. Manning

Luke Manning - March 21, 1899 – Jan 17, 1928 - “Nearer my God to Thee” - At Rest

Susie Manning - Dec 11, 1901 – Aug 5, 1951 - “Beloved Wife of Fletcher Manning” “Asleep in Jesus”
Daughter of Fletcher and Susie Manning - May 10, 1918

(These two graves are located in the center of the Cemetery, surrounded by a fence)

Sam B. Manning - July 16, 1858 – May 20, 1937
Citura A.V. Manning - March 14, 1861 – July 9, 1920 - wife of S.B. Manning