North East United Methodist / Memorial Cemetery

North East United Methodist / Memorial Cemetery

North East, Cecil Co., Maryland


A Free Genealogy Database For Cecil Co. Maryland Cemeteries


All intellectual property in this database is Copyright © 2002-2016 by I Dream of Genealogy® and can be utilized for private individual use. All content is copyright of respective owner(s).

Original submitter/compiler of records will possibly have more information on the names on this list.

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Map Location of North East United Methodist / Memorial Cemetery

Acknowledgements: We want to thank the North East United Methodist Church for granting permission of the transcribing of the North East Cemetery records and allowing us to distribute these finding to the Historical and Genealogical Societies in the State of Maryland and neighboring states. A special thanks for granting us permission to post these finding online for future generations doing research in family genealogy.

A special thank you to Mr. Richard Meekins for his unselfish time and energy in assisting us with the necessary paperwork and sharing his information.

We want to thank Ms. Sally McKee for all of her valuable knowledge of North East Cemetery and the countless hours she has spent walking the cemetery and assisting in locating tombstones and inscriptions. Without Sally’s help, this project may never have been completed.

I want to thank Ann Marie Preston Patnaude for the many hours of recording the tombstone, inscriptions and entering the information into the database. Ann has also spent countless hours with Sally recording tombstones and transcribing cemetery records.

Helen O. McKinney

1925 – 2006


We want to take this opportunity to dedicate the transcribing of North East Methodist Cemetery to Helen O. McKinney for her unselfish time, wisdom, and knowledge of many burials in this cemetery.

It was Helen’s driving force to obtain correct records for North East Methodist Cemetery and distribute them to Historical and Genealogical Societies in Maryland and neighboring states.

Surname Index

A B C - D
E - G H I - K
L M N - Q
R S T - Z
No Surname