Hopewell United Methodist Church Cemetery

Hopewell United Methodist Church Cemetery

Port Deposit, Cecil Co., Maryland


A Free Genealogy Database For Cecil Co. Maryland Cemeteries


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Map Location of Hopewell United Methodist Church Cemetery

Hopewell Cemetery - 1811 Hopewell Rd, Port Deposit, MD 21904. (410) 658-3140. Driving Instructions: Take Maryland State road 276 Jacob Tome Memorial Highway to Hopewell Road. Turn onto Hopewell Road and follow the road about 1 to 2 miles and the Hopewell Methodist Church and Cemetery is on the right side of the road.

Acknowledgements: We want to thank Lauren Marshall and the Hopewell Cemetery Board of Trustees for giving permission to transcribe the records. A special thank you to Gary Burns, Karl Hall (Sexton of Hopewell Cemetery), Sally McKee and Ann Marie Preston Patnaude for the long hours of transcribing the cemetery records and tombstone inscriptions.

Surname Index

D - E F G
H I - K L
M N - Q R
S T - V W - Z