Collier Springs Cemetery

Collier Springs Cemetery

Sharon Grove, Todd Co. Kentucky


A Free Genealogy Database For Todd Co. Kentucky Cemeteries


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Partial Cemetery List

Minnie Cumbie--death 1936.

Family Information: "Her full name was Armanda A. Dew and she was known as "Minnie."

She was born December 25, 1862 in Kentucky. (Probably Logan or Todd County)

 Her father was La Fosh Edward Dew and her mother was Louisa Caroline "Lucy" Cartwright Dew.

She had a son by the name of Edward Cumbie. La Fosh E. Dew was my great great grandfather.

My great grandfather was William M. Dew, my grandfather was Timmie Dew and my father was Leonard Duke Dew. My late father mentioned her often."

I Dream of Genealogy Extra Facts:

La Fosh E. Dew was born in Tennessee circa 1823
Armanda had older siblings - William and Theodocia (born in Kentucky),
Alice and Elizabeth (born in Missouri) and Joseph (born in Kentucky) and younger siblings Fanny and Eugene (born in Kentucky)

Extra Facts abstracted from 1870 U.S. Federal Census, Ketucky