West Union Cemetery

West Union Cemetery

Warren, Huntington Co. Indiana


A Free Genealogy Database For Huntington Co. Indiana Cemeteries


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Map Location of West Union Cemetery

Our visit was on our way to Shipshewana to celebrate our 63rd September 12, 2011 (South-east corner of State Rd. 5 and 124 - four miles north of Warren. Zent Family home place is about ¾ mile south of cemetery on St. Rd. 5 -west side)

Partial Cemetery List

ZENT GRAVES below - in southwest corner of cemetery --along St. Rd. 5:

Tall white stone --hand is pointing up at top of stone--

MARIA, wife of Daniel Zent

died May 2, 1874

aged 67 years (birth 1807)


Originally was tall white stone (top part is broken off -has hand

pointing up on stone--repair plans are made)


died March 10, 1877

aged 75 years (birth 1802)


Stone is on the ground over a tree stump--


son of Daniel

died August 30, 1858

aged 20 years (birth 1838)


Stone -on ground beside of Leonard’s stone--

ALBERT(very faint in print -could not read)


Another stone -on ground across Leonard’s stone - not readable