Tomlinson Cemetery

Tomlinson Cemetery

Boothe, Scott Co., Arkansas


A Free Genealogy Database For Scott Co. Arkansas Cemeteries


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General Location of Tomlinson Cemetery

Tomlinson Cemetery has 8 markers left. With a note that "It is heavily overgrown and it is highly probable that all graves were not found".

Cemetery List

Elizabeth Tomlinson Boothe - 2 Dec 1840 - 26 Feb 1888 - w/o A.T.
Kit Boothe - h/o Sarah Elizabeth Ann French Trotter - no dates
Kit Boothe - no dates
Lillie Boothe - Died 1871 - Age: 2y - d/o A.T. & E.
Mollie Boothe - Died 1872 - age: 6y11m6d - d/o A.T. & E
Martha Tomlinson French - no dates - w/o Sam - d/o J.J. Tomlinson
Ann Tomlinson - no dates - w/o Joseph J.
Joseph J. Tomlinson - died 3 May 1856 - aged 51y